BJP today sought a CBI probe in the alleged Rs 500 crore fodder scam in Maharashtra, and claimed some present and former ministers were involved. "The fodder scam to the tune of Rs 500 crore has taken place in four districts -- Ahmednagar, Solapur, Satara and Sangli. Funds meant for farmers from the drought-affected districts were usurped," Leader of the Opposition in Legislative Council, Vinod Tawde said here.
The BJP leader said that he had raised the issue of the fodder scam in the Legislative Council. "Home minister RR Patil had assured that an inquiry would be conducted within eight days. However, over eight months have passed but no action has been taken against the accused." According to Tawde, one Anil Sharma had filed a petition in the Aurangabad bench of the Bombay High Court in one such case in Ahmednagar district after he witnessed delay in the probe.
The court, while slamming the state government on the probe, directed it to register FIR against the accused involved in the scam within a month. "The court also asked the state government to register an FIR under IPC sections 406, 409, 420, 468 and 471," he added.
Tawde said the court also observed that the scam is an organised one. "We demand that Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) be invoked against the accused."
The BJP leader said that he had raised the issue of the fodder scam in the Legislative Council. "Home minister RR Patil had assured that an inquiry would be conducted within eight days. However, over eight months have passed but no action has been taken against the accused." According to Tawde, one Anil Sharma had filed a petition in the Aurangabad bench of the Bombay High Court in one such case in Ahmednagar district after he witnessed delay in the probe.
The court, while slamming the state government on the probe, directed it to register FIR against the accused involved in the scam within a month. "The court also asked the state government to register an FIR under IPC sections 406, 409, 420, 468 and 471," he added.
Tawde said the court also observed that the scam is an organised one. "We demand that Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA) be invoked against the accused."
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